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Clinical Consultations

Please note that all our NET consultation sessions require completion of NET Fundamentals training. 

Our clinical consultancy sessions / appointments allow a thorough case discussion and advice from expert NET practioners about how to procced with the case and tackle any arising clinical issues. A clinical consultation often also serves as a refresher of the NET method and can help to gain new skills and knowledge. However, since we are not working within the same setting / organisation, the therapist ultimately retains the clinical responsibility for the client.

Individual clinical consultation

On your own NET cases with a NET Institute practitioner.

Duration: 45 min., Price: € 260.00, 1 participant

Please book an individual clinical consultation session at info@net-institute.org.

Group clinical consultation

Presentation of own NET cases, opportunities to ask questions and receive feedback, re-freshing the NET skills.

Duration: 90min, Price: € 450.00, 2-5 participants

Please book group clinical consultations at info@net-institute.org.

For group of 6 persons or more and/or institutions who require clinical consultation on a regular basis, please inquire at: info@net-institute.org. 

Open NET consultation sessions

In order to allow all our NETwork members around the globe to regularly meet up with us, refresh their NET skills and spirit, stay on top of new developments and gain new courage, we announce: Open consultation sessions on a minimum entry fee of 20€ basis. Please check Home page to register individually. 

Completion of NET Fundamentals training is a pre-requisite to participate. 

Please check website for dates.

Terms of service and Languages

If you need clincial consulation in a language other than English, please contact us at info@net-institute.org.

For all our events, please note our terms of service and our rules on confidentiality and safety

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